Ampacet – Unacceptable attacks on the right to strike

The employees of Ampacet have been on strike since November 27 (6 a.m.). The factory, located in Dudelange, has been at a standstill since then. And it must be said that the management, backed into a corner, is using all possible means to break the strike. But to no avail, because the workers’ determination remains intact.

On November 28, management, through its lawyers, unilaterally went to the courts to obtain an injunction to evict the strikers from the Ampacet site and allow free access to the company.

This morning, management attempted to bring in temporary workers to replace the strikers. This is a criminal offense and a major attack on the constitutionally guaranteed right to strike.

After unilaterally terminating the collective bargaining agreement for its employees, after referring the matter to the National Conciliation Office (Office national de Conciliation – ONC), after requesting a decree of non-conciliation, after disregarding the Luxembourg social model, Ampacet’s management is now trampling on a fundamental right.

The Ampacet employees and their trade union, the OGBL, will not allow any attack on the right to strike to go unchallenged and will use every means at their disposal to counter such actions.

The OGBL also calls on all its members and supporters to visit the strike picket regularly and to gather there especially this Thursday, November 30, at 3 p.m. to express their solidarity with the striking employees.

Press release of the OGBL Chemistry Syndicate,
November 29, 2023