Success for employees currently classified in the C1 career of the SAS collective agreement!

After the OGBL’s Health, Social and Educational Services Syndicate drew attention to the unfair hiring policy faced by support staff in the childcare sector, an agreement was reached on February 9 with the employers’ federations that are signatories to the SAS collective agreement.

As a reminder, already in October 2022, the OGBL had denounced this practice of classifying support staff, in direct contact with the beneficiaries, in the lowest career bracket of the SAS collective agreement, i.e. the C1 career. And this without any agreement on this point between the social partners.

After several trade union actions in the last months, the social dialogue between OGBL and FEDAS could finally be resumed. Several meetings took place during which the OGBL was able to successfully defend the interests of the employees concerned. Finally, the SAS Joint Committee succeeded in agreeing on 9 February on the correct interpretation of the application of the SAS collective bargaining agreement to this point.

The result is that from now on employees without socio-educational qualifications who are employed for supervisory tasks or to support socio-educational supervision will be reclassified in the C2 career bracket. During the first three years, they will receive a basic salary and will then progress normally in this career.

For employees without a school diploma, there will be a transition period, mainly to allow them to take the mandatory 118-hour training course entitled “Bases de l’éducation et de l’accompagnement”, at the end of which they will be able to move into the C2 career.

Press release by the OGBL Health, Social and Educational Services Syndicate
February 9, 2023