The Luxembourg labor market differs from traditional labor markets by the fact that 46% of employees are cross-border workers.

In 2021, the total number of cross-border workers employed in Luxembourg was more than 212,000, including 112,500 from France, 49,500 from Belgium and 50,000 from Germany.

And the number of cross-border workers is steadily increasing.

The labor and social laws differ between the country of residence and Luxembourg and it is therefore obvious that this situation confronts cross-border workers with a need for specific information. In which country do I have to pay contributions? What are my pension rights? Who do I contact if I have problems with my employer or a social security institution?

This is why the OGBL provides cross-border workers with competent services, either to help them in their procedures or disputes against their employer or to help them with the complexity of Luxembourg institutions (illness, health care, family allowances, pensions, disability, taxes, …).

Since 2017, the OGBL chapters in Luxembourg and the Greater Region, which take care of members in their place of residence, have a professional structure that supports them in the organization of their work: the National Center for Support Services to the chapters – CNSSS.

You can consult the information of the French cross-border workers’ sections in FR, the Belgian cross-border workers’ section’s in FR and DE and the German cross-border workers’ section’s in DE.