Why join a union?

There are many reasons to join a union.

To be informed in a general way of your individual and collective rights, to know how to defend them, to face a difficult situation requiring assistance, to show active solidarity and to participate actively in union life in the company, in your region or in your environment.

Joining the OGBL is first of all to be an actor of your future while being supported by a powerful social force. Trade unionism is as important today as it was in the past to assist and advise employees individually or collectively in case of problems and to defend their interests, particularly in terms of working conditions, remuneration and social security.

As an apprentice, student, employee or pensioner, everyone has an interest in joining a trade union, because who else but a strong trade union like the OGBL is committed and has the means to exert the necessary pressure to raise wages, raise the social minimum wage significantly, secure career paths, impose better access to continuing vocational training and firmly oppose precarious and poorly paid employment contracts. The negotiation of collective work agreements in companies and social dialogue with the government and employers at the national level are our main means of making progress.

The OGBL struggles so that every woman and man can plan their future and have a decent life. This implies the defense of social security (sickness, pension, social benefits, unemployment…) and the creation of new protections and new social rights (better reconciliation of professional and private life, right to individual training leave, maternity protection, right to parental leave, affordable housing…).

The stronger a union is in terms of membership, the more it can impose and protect social advances, e.g. wage indexation and the public pension system. Today the OGBL is not only the 1st trade union in Luxembourg in terms of number of members, but it is also the 1st force defending the rights of employees and pensioners, the driving force behind the improvement of working and living conditions.

Do not hesitate and become a member of the OGBL today.

Still have doubts?

Let’s come to preconceived ideas!

Trade unionism is outdated and unions are politicized!

The OGBL defends the professional and social interests of employees in complete independence of political parties and without philosophical or religious considerations. Our members come from different cultures, backgrounds and education. When we judge the policy of a government harmful to the employees, its color has never stopped us to act and we have done it many times for the safeguard of the indexation of salaries and pensions.

Far from being “outmoded”, the OGBL stands out as a builder of the future and focuses on the problems facing wage earners and their families today and in the future, in particular the challenges posed by the digitization of the economy and society, as well as the necessary ecological transition to face climate change.

I don’t have the time or money for a union!

No one ever has extra time. But when you have a problem, you are relieved to find a unionist in your life who takes the time to help you. He or she finds the time!

And when it comes to union dues, joining a union isn’t just a philosophical issue, it’s also like taking out insurance – it’s expensive until the day an incident occurs. And a whole working life without an incident is rare these days. The OGBL membership fee includes many benefits in addition to protection at the workplace: information and advice, legal protection, trade union training, death benefits, scholarships for the children of our members, free mailing of the trade union magazine OGBL Aktuell, favorable conditions at various insurers and service providers…

Joining a union could be detrimental to my career and I prefer to deal directly with my superiors!

Lack of competence or professional misconduct are the things that can damage a career. You will not be grieved by joining a union, on the contrary. A person who belongs to a union and who lives this membership honestly is often a valued interlocutor because well informed and trained.

Some employees are able to deal directly with their superiors and obtain better conditions for themselves alone. More often, management refuses to listen to you or does not want to hear. You only have to look at what happens in many small companies where there are no unions or delegates to understand that the employers take advantage of this situation to “makes its own laws” without respecting employees’ rights. And if there are a number of advantages for the employees of some companies, it is because some of them have organized themselves and created unions to defend themselves and obtain social gains through collective work agreements. In such cases, unity is our strength and that is maxime of the OGBL.

Shouting slogans in the street is not my thing!

We also only do it if it is necessary. Union work is not limited to street demonstrations and picketing. In addition to negotiations in companies, OGBL representatives defend the interests of employees and their families, your interests, before the Social Security bodies and the Labor and Social Security jurisdictions, in the commissions of the Ministries of Labor, National Education, Equality, Housing, Health … . And let’s not forget the cross-border bodies.

I wish to keep my freedom of thought and action!

The OGBL is neither a church, nor a political party, nor a closed circle. It is composed of men and women from the most diverse backgrounds. Our diversity is one of our treasures!

Everyone is free of the place he or she takes in the union and its democratic structures. Some are content to pay a membership fee, without wanting to become more involved in union life: it is their right. Others serve as relays in their sector, to circulate information. Many choose to stand for election to the staff delegation of their company, and thus represent the employees and the union in their dealings with their management. Still others prefer to get involved at the level of their place of residence, in one of the 23 local sections of the OGBL. And then there are those who prefer to get involved in one of the specific departments of the OGBL. Each one brings his contribution according to his situation, his temperament, his desires. But there are many who can testify that union life has brought them a lot on a personal level.
