The OGBL and the ALMEVS sign a cooperation agreement

The OGBL and the “Association Luxembourgeoise des Médecins en Voie de Spécialisation” (ALMEVS) have signed an agreement on March 16, 2023, which provides for a closer cooperation in the future. The aim is to significantly upgrade the status of Luxembourg doctors in training (formerly called assistant doctors).

The tense situation in the healthcare sector for almost three years now impressively illustrates again and again the importance of a smoothly functioning healthcare system. Although the Luxembourg doctors in training form one of the supporting pillars for this, they have unfortunately received only insufficient attention so far. In order to be able to guarantee high-quality health care in the future, this situation must change as quickly as possible.

We recall that in Luxembourg, as in most European countries, the shortage of specialists in the healthcare sector is increasing. It is indispensable to convince young doctors of Luxembourg as a location, inter alia through good working conditions, in order to prevent them from not returning to Luxembourg after their studies.

In this context, both organizations demand not only adequate remuneration, but also working conditions that enable a high quality continuing education.

In order to achieve this goal, the new partner organizations will jointly invite the various healthcare partners here in Luxembourg to open discussions as soon as possible.

Communicated by the ALMEVS and the OGBL Health, Social and Educational Services Syndicate,
on 20 March 2023