Social elections at ACE Sécurité

OGBL is strengthening its position in the security sector

Following the recent social elections at ACE Sécurité S.A., the OGBL now has two delegates in the company, namely one effective delegate and one substitute delegate. The employees of the company had to elect a total of two effective delegates and two substitute delegates – the two remaining mandates went to non-union delegates.

With this election the OGBL is strengthened in the security sector, which is of course important for future negotiations and actions in this security company.

The new delegates can now count on the solidarity of the OGBL in terms of assistance and expertise in order to best defend the interests of the company’s employees.

A.C.E Sécurité S.A. is a Luxembourg private security company created in 2017 that is located in Schouweiler and employs about 45 people.

Communicated by the Services and Energy Syndicate of the OGBL,
February 3rd, 2023