We are the professional syndicate of all employees working in the commercial and catering sector: from large-scale distribution companies to many small and medium-sized commercial enterprises, including garages, hotels, and individual and collective catering.


The Commerce Syndicate is committed to defending the material, professional and social interests of the employees in the commercial sector, garages and catering sector. A continuous policy within the framework of the collective bargaining agreements as well as at the sectoral level is the guarantee for the improvement and the safeguarding of the working conditions in the sector of commerce, garages and Horeca.

News from the syndicate

Press releases from Commerce syndicate

Accord historique dans le secteur de la restauration collective

Signature de la première convention collective sectorielle


L’OGBL, en tant que syndicat majoritaire et porte-parole dans le secteur, le LCGB et la fédération patronale FEDIL Catering, ont …

Social Elections

OGBL is the big winner!


The day after the elections of the staff delegations, it’s clear that the OGBL is already the big winner. According …

Social Elections

OGBL wins over a large number of companies


On March 12, 2024, all employees working in Luxembourg in companies with at least 15 employees were called to elect …

Cactus: New coordinated text of the collective agreement signed


On February 9, 2024, the OGBL, as the majority union and spokesperson for the employees, the LCGB and Cactus management …

OGBL closely follows Leclerc’s takeover of Match, Smatch, Courtheoux and Cora stores


The OGBL, the only union at Match, Smatch and Courtheoux and the majority union at Cora, remains vigilant following the …

A new collective agreement for the employees of La Boutique du Coiffeur


The OGBL is pleased to announce the signing of the first Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for the employees of La …