The Public Service Syndicate represents and defends the interests of all personnel employed by the state and municipal administrations. The Public Service Syndicate strives

  • to defend the socio-professional and material interests of public service personnel;
  • to commit itself to improving their working and salary conditions;
  • to fight against any form of privatization, liberalization or detachment of public services.

The Public Service Syndicate is competent for:

  • civil servants
  • public-sector employees
  • public-sector workers
  • municipality civil servants
  • municipality employees
  •  municipality workers

Commune de Bertrange

Nouvelle convention collective pour les salariés de la commune de Bertrange




En savoir plus

Commune de Betzdorf

Nouvelle convention collective pour les salariés de la commune de Betzdorf




En savoir plus

News from the syndicate

Press releases from the Public Service OGBL/Landesverband Syndicate

Commune de Betzdorf

Nouvelle convention collective pour les salariés de la commune de Betzdorf


43 salariés Délégués OGBL : 2/2   Le syndicat OGBL a signé la nouvelle convention collective le 5 juillet 2024. …

Commune de Bertrange

Nouvelle convention collective pour les salariés de la commune de Bertrange


52 salariés Délégués OGBL : 2/3 Les syndicats OGBL et LCGB ont signé la nouvelle convention collective le 27 juin …

Social Elections

OGBL is the big winner!


The day after the elections of the staff delegations, it’s clear that the OGBL is already the big winner. According …

Social Elections

OGBL wins over a large number of companies


On March 12, 2024, all employees working in Luxembourg in companies with at least 15 employees were called to elect …

OGBL denounces the end of public status at POST Luxembourg


The General Director of POST Luxembourg, Claude Strasser, presented OGBL representatives on March 4, 2024 with a mediation agreement signed …

Mateneen, net géinteneen! Zesumme fir d’Personal!

De Standpunkt vum OGBL zum Sträit ënnert de Personalverbänn an der Ville de Luxembourg


Léiw Kolleeginnen, Léiw Kolleegen, Ee grousst Thema an der VDL ass am Moment de Sträit teschent de Vertrieder vum NVGL …