Transport & Logistics

First meeting with the Groupement Transport to renegotiate the collective agreement

Today, July 12, the OGBL, as the majority union in the freight transport sector, met with the Groupement Transport, the sector’s employers’ association, and the LCGB for a first meeting to renegotiate the sector’s collective agreement.

The Transport & Logistics collective agreement has not been renewed for more than 12 years. As a result, the wages and conditions set out in the agreement are out of date and certainly do not reflect the reality of the employees.

At the same time, the sector is currently experiencing an enormous shortage of truck drivers and social dumping remains a reality in the sector in Luxembourg.

In this context, the OGBL Road Transport & Navigation/ACAL Syndicate is committed to using all the means at its disposal to improve this situation. In September, OGBL delegates from the sector will meet to formulate a list of demands for the collective agreement and to set up a negotiating commission.

The next meeting with the Groupement de Transport will take place in October.

With the support of the workers and delegates of this vital sector, let’s fight for the valorization of the road transport professions and the improvement of working conditions!