We are the union representation for all employees in the media sector – be it radio, television or print media – as well as in the advertising, printing and book trade. In addition, our syndicate is also responsible for the staff of companies and organizations in the arts and entertainment sector.

In December 2005, the FLTL (Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Travailleurs du Livre) decided to join the OGBL and was therefore integrated into the structures of the professional syndicates. It should be noted that the FLTL was the oldest trade union in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

News from the syndicate

Press releases from the

Social Elections

OGBL is the big winner!


The day after the elections of the staff delegations, it’s clear that the OGBL is already the big winner. According …

Social Elections

OGBL wins over a large number of companies


On March 12, 2024, all employees working in Luxembourg in companies with at least 15 employees were called to elect …

A collective agreement for neimënster


The signing of a first collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for the employees of neimënster marks the consolidation of social benefits …

Social plan signed at Techprint SA


Following the announcement of the definitive closure of the Techprint printing plant, the OGBL (the only union represented in the …

Renewal of the collective bargaining agreement for the employees of the Philharmonie


Negotiations on the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement for the 180 employees of the public concert hall Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte …

Renouvellement de la convention collective de travail chez RTL (CLT-UFA, BCE, RTL Group)


L’OGBL, ensemble avec la «Fräi Lëscht» et le LCGB, a pu négocier récemment une nouvelle convention collective pour les quelque …